Audio editing images


There's nothing preventing images from being edited as audio data, however there are a few pitfalls. Which is why I wrote Audio Shop.

Audio Shop is a simple script that I cobbled together that gets you started with mangling image data as if it was audio data.

The script wraps 3 individually excellent tools; ffmpeg, ImageMagick and SoX.

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The way it works is by first converting an image to a raw format like rgb or yuv. This is done to prevent the audio editor from destroying the structure of (relatively) complex formats like jpg, png or gif.

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If converting to a raw format is the first step, the second step is importing the raw image data into the audio editor. To do this in way you can expect good results from, the raw format should use a bit-depth that your image editor can use. For example RGB, where each color channel is 8 bits. And the audio editor imports the raw data as 8-bit unsigned data.

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Additionally when using a format like RGB the Red/Green/Blue color bits of the channels are located next to eachother like RRRRRRRGGGGGGGGBBBBBBBB which causes issues when doing things like echoes and the echo of of the Red 8-bit field bleeds into the Green or Blue field.

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The solution to this is using a planar format where the RGB or YUV channels are not interleaved in the RGBRGBRGBRGB fashion but rather RRRRGGGGBBBB. A format like that is YUV444P.

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I hope you find this tool somewhat useful and/or fun!

Tags: audio · art · images · data · bending · databending