

Android: NXP i.MX6 on Etnaviv Update

More progress is being made in the area of i.MX6, etnaviv and Android. Read full post

Android: NXP i.MX6 Buffer Modifier Support

GPUs like those of Intel and Vivante support storing the contents of graphical buffers in different formats. Support for describing these formats using modifiers has now been added to Android and Mesa, enabling tiling artifact free running of Android on the iMX6 platform. Read full post

Android: Getting up and running on the iMX6

Getting Android up and running on the iMX6 platform using an open source graphics stack has been impossible up until recently, but now you can. Here's a guide through the steps. Read full post

Android: Changing the bootanimation

For various reasons you might want to change the Android boot animation to something other than the stock one, this is how you do it. Read full post

Android: Enabling mainline graphics

Android uses the HWC API to communicate with graphics hardware. This API is not supported on the mainline Linux graphics stack, but by using drm_hwcomposer as a shim it now is. Read full post